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Latinas: from the Block to the Boardroom is a podcast based on the idea that wisdom comes from everywhere. The podcast is intentionally conversational as its goal is to encourage the sharing of this wisdom through intergenerational community conversations. 

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Founder, Producer and Host Theresa E. Gonzales is a trailblazing Latina who experienced a transformative career in Silicon Valley and created a consulting business and podcast, Latinas From The Block To The Boardroom,  whose life mission transcends the conventional boundaries of entrepreneurship and digital innovation. As a 3rd generation Latina from Central California, being unseen in the business and innovation spaces, sparked the idea to leverage podcasting as a powerful platform of representation, ownership, and narrative change within the sectors of technology and business. Leveraging her business experience and technology knowledge turned helping women of color small businesses into opportunity to becoming a digital marketing services consultant. My passion and dedication became rooted in the entrepreneurial opportunities, economic vision, equity, education and empowerment as being the keys of change within our communities, particularly Latinas, as we are the least seen as change makers across platforms and industries.  The vision became clear - to speak to a world where we can build up Latinas, and our communities, through a socio-economic storytelling and empowerment. We are not just participants in society but becoming the future leaders in the conversation about business, technology, and societal transformation with our new generations taking the lead. 

Now is our time to be courageous, build our legacy, and influence technology with our social existence. The time for the tech industry, education, and entrepreneurial start-ups is about to change, with people of color at the helm, with a 3 trillion dollar plus purchasing power, our influential power can't be ignored. Together, we are changing the dominate narrative by having intergenerational conversations, creating transformational opportunities one story at a time, from the block and into the boardrooms. Join me. 


Theresa E. Gonzales currently has a Business Sales & Digital Marketing Strategy consulting business for small businesses owned by women of color and non-profit organizations,, under the umbrella of 5-E Leadership & Marketing LLC. She previously served on the board of Girls Inc. of the Alameda Island for 6 years and as Board Chair for the Calculus Rountable, both located in the Bay Area. 


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